A Change is as Good as a Rest (2020)
Video (4x 00:15) and 3x textile floorcarpets.
at Fokhelt, Ísafjörður, IS.

With the work Sigrún Gyða wonders if she can link the image of the fast melting glaciers to the image on social media that disappears after 24 hours. A disappearing image that only stays with you as a memory you don't want to forget. 24 hours is a lot when it comes to an image of a party you went to yesterday although it’s little contrasted with a reversed ice age.

I found myself using social media much more than before. I frequently checked the news and spent more time at home and therefore used my phone more as entertainment. I even put in my scheduled social media/news-less hours and kept myself occupied by knitting and running in nature instead. First, I didn’t notice the advertisements that much, I just skipped over it, occasionally I took a screenshot if it was trying to sell me a silly object. Then one day I realized that the variety of ads was much more. There where ads from musicians, painters and local shops and the images had also changed. They had become more personal and had better design quality.

At the same time, I had also been looking into how nature is seen on social media. Into the connection many Icelandic entrepreneurs portray they have through advertisements and how they portrayed themselves in sublime nature in clothes from the biggest outdoor clothing brands or in front of a cabin they got to stay in in return for sharing the experience with their followers.

Concept and Direction: Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Cinematography: Ástrós Steingrímsdóttir and Alda Valentína Rós
Drone: Róbert Magnússon
Voice: Rebecca Scott Lord
Girl: Hallgerður María Eldjárnsdóttir
Soundtrack: Baldur Hjörleifsson
Graphics: Agnar Freyr Stefánsson