I Want You to Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls (2019)
Video (09:50)
at Allt á sama tíma, autumn show of Hafnarborg museum, Hafnarfjörður, IS.
Curated by Andrea Arnarsdóttir and Starkaður Sigurðarson
(Re-exhibited in 2023 at the exhibition ‘Our Art’ collection exhibition at Reykjavík Art Museum)
The work I want you to draw me like one of your French girls was part of the autumn show in Hafnarborg Museum in 2019, Everything at the same time. The work is a video piece that is projected on three walls and has one soundtrack. The video shows women lined up in a black room where they sit and lie, forming an array of naked bodies. The sound track in the video, sung by the lips located in the women's crotches are national songs normally sung by male choirs but in the video it is sung by a female choir. The work speaks to the society's current discussion but it has a strong implication in the revolutions Me Too and Free the Nipple where women's consensus across backgrounds and looks was the key. The work is humorous and shows the impact of social media and how together women have the strongest voice.
Concept and directing: Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Cinematography: Alda Valentína Rós
Gaffer: Ásta Jónína Arnardóttir
Ásdís Þula Þorláksdóttir
Ásta Elínardóttir
Edda Kristjánsdóttir
Graduale Nobile
Gunnur Martinsdóttir
Halldóra Ósk Helgadóttir
Hanna Rún Öfjörð
Heiður Lára Bjarnadóttir
Helga Lind Mar
Hildur Ása Henrýsdóttir
Hrund Ólafsdóttir
Hólmfríður Hafliðadóttir
Íris Björk Gunnarsdóttir
Kata Jóhanness
Katerina Inga Lionaraki
Mercedes Berger
Ragnhildur Vigfúsdóttir
Sigrún Erna Sigurðardóttir
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Stefanía Pálsdóttir
Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir
Vigdís Hafliðadóttir
Video (09:50)
at Allt á sama tíma, autumn show of Hafnarborg museum, Hafnarfjörður, IS.
Curated by Andrea Arnarsdóttir and Starkaður Sigurðarson
(Re-exhibited in 2023 at the exhibition ‘Our Art’ collection exhibition at Reykjavík Art Museum)
The work I want you to draw me like one of your French girls was part of the autumn show in Hafnarborg Museum in 2019, Everything at the same time. The work is a video piece that is projected on three walls and has one soundtrack. The video shows women lined up in a black room where they sit and lie, forming an array of naked bodies. The sound track in the video, sung by the lips located in the women's crotches are national songs normally sung by male choirs but in the video it is sung by a female choir. The work speaks to the society's current discussion but it has a strong implication in the revolutions Me Too and Free the Nipple where women's consensus across backgrounds and looks was the key. The work is humorous and shows the impact of social media and how together women have the strongest voice.
Concept and directing: Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Cinematography: Alda Valentína Rós
Gaffer: Ásta Jónína Arnardóttir
Ásdís Þula Þorláksdóttir
Ásta Elínardóttir
Edda Kristjánsdóttir
Graduale Nobile
Gunnur Martinsdóttir
Halldóra Ósk Helgadóttir
Hanna Rún Öfjörð
Heiður Lára Bjarnadóttir
Helga Lind Mar
Hildur Ása Henrýsdóttir
Hrund Ólafsdóttir
Hólmfríður Hafliðadóttir
Íris Björk Gunnarsdóttir
Kata Jóhanness
Katerina Inga Lionaraki
Mercedes Berger
Ragnhildur Vigfúsdóttir
Sigrún Erna Sigurðardóttir
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Stefanía Pálsdóttir
Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir
Vigdís Hafliðadóttir