Video (12:00)
at Vitamin D, Group Exhibition at Reykjavík Art Museum, Reykajvík, IS.
This work is part of the opera Skjóta. Based on research on climate issues and football, the work considers how halftime can be a metaphor for life itself. The first half represents birth, and the second half represents death. In halftime, the most significant decisions are made, especially if one is sitting in the best seats and has real power to change the course of the game. With this work, Sigrún aims to explore the basic emotions that the game ignites and raise important questions about climate shame and climate anxiety.
During the opera’s production, Sigrún spent time in residencies in Brighton (UK) and Värmland (SE), where she explored football culture, climate issues, and their connections. In creating MID, she collaborated with children from the local Reykjavík Football Club KR and the local children’s choir by the pond. Additionally, opera singer Vera Hjördís Matsdóttir performs in the work. The filming took place in heavy cold rain and stormy weather in the midst of winter during the first days of the new year.
Concept, composition, production, direction: Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Cinematography and co-production: Alda Valentína Rós
Sound: Baldur Hjörleifsson
2 DP: Gunnar Bjarki Birnuson
Vera Hjördís Matsdóttir
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir
Team Aldís Jóhannesdóttir Amelia Luna Monaco | |
Anna Eldon Brynjarsdóttir | |
Embla Margrét Hallbjörnsdóttir | |
Finna Birna Steinsdóttir | |
Heiða Nielsen | |
Hekla Þórisdóttir | |
Hrafnhildur Anna Stefansdóttir | |
Ingibjörg Lilja Ægisdóttir | |
Irena Mar Ottósdóttir | |
Ísalind Salka Óskarsdóttir | |
Katrín Huld Elínardóttir | |
Margrét Sólveig Hinriksdóttir | |
Melkorka Margrét Skúladóttir | |
Oktavía Gunnarsdóttir | |
Rakel Harðardóttir | |
Saga Eir Weston | |
Sara Margrét Bjarnadóttir | |
Sara María Michaelsdóttir G. Olsen | |
Snjólaug Anna Sindradóttir | |
Svala Þórdís Andradóttir | |
Sól Þorkelsdóttir Sivertsen | |
Sólrún Jensdóttir Blöndal | |
Singing in final chapter | |
Lára Ruth Clausen | |