Opera performance (25:00) and an installation (video, metal, glass, tufted capets, running harnesses and running shoes).
HLAUPA talks about renewal, birth and death. Beginning and end. The self and social media staging. To look into the fire and have it swallow you, like melting glass or liquidy lava. To be a troll that becomes a stone on purpose and stops running. Five modern trolls tell the story of a stone that used to be alive and how they have to cope with the feeling of being observed.
w. Helena Kesskÿla, Moa Holgersson, Vera Hjördís Matsdóttir and Ciara O’Kelly
Ears: Nell Schwan
Graphics: Studio Buy my talent
Photos by Tom Janssen
HLAUPA was made into a film in 2022 and shown at the abandoned Fishing Factory at Hjalteyri in the North of Iceland. In the film version, Margrét Daðadóttir and Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir, accompany Vera Hjördís Matsdóttir and Sigrún Sveinsdóttir as the troll sisters. Video excerpt from the film: https://vimeo.com/794274528